Sunday, May 10, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - A War of Intentions: The Socially Engineered American War on Terror

The second phase of Hindsite 2020 contains essays about: Conspiracies, Governments and Societies.

Today's essay is about how America has socially engineered the war on terror and how thinking of terrorists as criminals, rather than zealots reveals the truth.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - Islam has nothing to do with terrorism.

The second phase of Hindsite 2020 contains essays about: Conspiracies, Governments and Societies.

This next essay was written to address the ignorant, fear-borne racism of ordinary people on facebook. Some of them my friends. Confronting bigotry or ignorance is really just an opportunity to educate. However, some people are just hopeless and there's value in picking your fights.

I fight with essays.

Islam has nothing to do with terrorism. 

Friday, May 8, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - Globalization and the New World Order

The second phase of Hindsite 2020 contains five essays about: Conspiracies, Governments and Societies.

This essay is about the inevitability of Globalization and the New World Order that will follow. 
Here's a quote: "We will have our new world order, when we are ready, when it is ready. We won't make it, it will make us."

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - Why I am a conspiracy theorist

The second phase of Hindsite 2020 contains five essays about: Conspiracies, Governments and Societies.

The first is: Why I am a conspiracy theorist.

Enjoy. See you tomorrow

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - U2's Joshua Tree tour proves the world is a better place

The first five essays of Hindsite 2020 are about Philosophy, Paradigm management, the promise of the 21st Century Enlightenment and Hyperexistentialism.

This essay is about how we happen to find ourselves in a great time to be alive and how music helps us understand living.

Tomorrow the second phase of Hindsite 2020 begins...