Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Why I am a conspiracy theorist.

It's simple really, I am a conspiracy theorist because conspiracies are fact.
We can look at history, at any point, in any country and find many examples of conspiracy perpetrated on the masses, usually by those in power.
"Conspiracy" as a word, really just means "to work together." We've taken that idea (which comes from the French) and turned it into something nefarious.

So really, when we're talking about the conspiracy theories the world of the 21st century has to offer, we are specifically dealing with the bastards, who work together to grind you down, whatever that might mean for you. If you think that the powers that be aren't in the business of using you for their own purposes, then I suggest you do what you can to stop producing, stop working, stop paying your taxes, stop buying into social engineering, stop caring about pop culture, stop serving in the military, stop serving your masters altogether. Then wait for the rewards of your non-efforts. It won't take long before you realize that life itself is a conspiracy of past conspiracies. We are not where we are by mistake.

However, the lifestyle of the western paradigm, desired by all, even those who claim to hate it, is not something that is easily repaired. It is also not the purpose of this article, all of my writing combined comments upon it, but does little to solve its problems. I am a mere reporter of the problems, we each must take it in turn to do what we can to improve the world.

Today, I wish to point out that so called "Conspiracy Theorists" are not necessarily tinfoil hat wearing UFOlogists, or those who believe that 9/11 was an inside job, or that the HAARP installation is causing earthquakes, or that Deep Underground Military Bases are going to be concentration camps for millions of detainees when the shit hits the fan. I am a conspiracy theorist because I examine my own hands for evidence of that shit. (And 9/11 was an inside job...)

When one looks at the fringe, one sees the future. Sometimes that future is a lie, or incorrect, but sometimes it is true and becomes part of the mainstream. A conspiracy theorist looks to this fringe and examines it. A good conspiracy theorists doesn't claim true that which he or she has no proof of, nor does he or she denounce that which there is no proof of. Lack of evidence is not evidence of a falsehood. The future is a product of our being and doing, of our intentionality. The future is also a product of the past. So looking at past conspiracies that have become accepted as truth is a good place to start, if one wants to develop an appreciation for what might come.

When one looks at the conspiracies of the past, one finds the same people, or groups of people, or types of people committing the same types of conspiracies, with the same goals: Power, control, resources, money. Then, if one wants to understand exactly who these people are and what they're up to, one simply has to look at the people at the top.

I am a conspiracy theorist because the Americans (and those who idealize them,) keep me in fresh conspiracy. Conspiracies that matter, that are important, get revealed ultimately anyway. Then people say things like, "Oh, I guess they are documenting all my phone calls and emails after all." Unfortunately, those same people go on to say, "Oh well, what are ya gonna do about it?"

Conspiracy theorists know what is really going on, they just don't know it yet.
People who think conspiracy theorists are kooks are throwing the truth out with all the untruths.
I choose to believe what I want to believe, I am entitled as are you.
But denying the possibility of a conspiracy theory just because it sounds crazy also denies all the past conspiracies that have been proven true.
The world is a crazy place, full of crazy people.
People in positions of power are no less crazy, or stupid. 
Don't be afraid to examine the crazy and stupid things they (we) have done in the past.
Don't be afraid to think about the crazy and stupid things they (we) might be currently doing.
Your life might depend on it.


Saturday, August 3, 2013

the Authentic Self

I have released to print a lovely little book, less than 100 pages, that clearly and concisely leads the reader through the Philosophy Generator to the Authentic Self.

View it and purchase it here

Here is the write up:

Philosopher and Social Critic Brian C. Taylor's "the Authentic Self" is the most modern attempt to define the Self. By way of running the associations in our minds through what Taylor calls the Philosophy Generator, we become privy not only to of what our thoughts are made, but of what all thoughts are made. 

 Developed during the four years Taylor researched and wrote "Anti-Social Engineering the Hyper-Manipulated Self," this new collection promises to deliver the purest, mathematical philosophy, with only the most minimal history, sociology and opinion. "The Authentic Self" is simply the nuts and bolts of how we become who we are. 

The constituents of your Paradigms, (the associations our minds make on any given idea,) are examined, sourced and evaluated with the goal of revealing your Authentic Self. The book is written simply, like a lesson in school, that simply repeats, getting more complicated each time, until finally the reader arrives at the best possible human understanding

Monday, July 29, 2013

О преследовании гомосексуалистов: открытое письмо к русскому народу.

О преследовании гомосексуалистов: открытое письмо к русскому народу.
(On the persecution of homosexuals: An open letter to Russians.)

Пожалуйста, учтите это сообщение, оно было тщательно написано на английском языке с надеждой, что сообщение остается ясным после Google Translate была использована. Я не опубликовал это письмо на английском языке, потому что сообщение предназначено для русских людей в покое, но я был бы счастлив, что люди, которые не говорят на русском читать. Я чувствую себя комфортно говорить с русским народом, потому что многие из вас читали моих эссе раньше. Большинство моих аудитория из России, я точно не знаю, почему. Я думаю, что одной из причин может быть потому что я пишу об обществах мира в критической моды. Мое эссе особенно важны, когда общественный договор написан не хватает логики. Часто такие социальные контракты от западных парадигм, но можете не сомневаться о любом предполагало врагов, русские люди не в настоящее время не менее виновны, чем кто-либо другой. Вот почему я считаю себя пишу это письмо вы читаете.

Прекратить преследование гомосексуалистов. Это делает русский народ меньше в глазах всего мира. Это шаг назад. Как я уже говорил не раз, верить тому, что ерунду вам нравится, но не используют намерения создан убеждений, если эти намерения требуют вмешательства в жизнь других людей. Это просто не имеет смысла. Это не логично. Будем предполагать, что десять процентов вашего населения является гомосексуалистом, что является справедливым, точным числом. Это не намного больше, чем процент людей с ограниченными возможностями в популяции. Я не делать какие-либо сравнения за пределы математической статистики. Я желаю, чтобы вы думали о философском вопрос, поставленный Вашей сегрегации любого сообщества по сравнению с любой другой общине. Где вы проводите черту?

Каково ваше рассуждение для этого запугивания гомосексуалистов? Это потому, что Божий? Это из-за вашей религии? Это потому, что о нем говорится в Библии? Тот факт, что гомосексуализм, упомянутых в Библии доказывает только одно: Гомосексуализм существовал всегда. (Или хотя бы существовали на сбор из историй, которые стали "Библия", около 600 г. до н.) Религиозные русский народ, как и все религиозные люди могут подставить другую щеку. Или, если они предпочитают, прислушаться к папе: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2013/07/29/pope-francis-wont-judge-gay-priests.html?cmp=rss

Независимо от ваших рассуждений для преследования гомосексуалистов, всегда будут люди, которые обеспечивают преднамеренное импульс на любое движение, к лучшему или худшему. Простые россияне имеют право остановить это, так же, как обычные люди во всем мире имеют право прекратить правонарушения которых они страдают. Подставить другую щеку. Живи и дай жить. Остановить губит жизнь любой группы людей. Люди, которые царствовать над вами являются преступниками, которые ставят неправильного мышления в вашем мозгу. Вы можете очистить свой разум от преднамеренного программирования. Вы можете привести мир на собственном примере. Думайте сами.

Friday, June 14, 2013

The Longevity of Sharks: A philosophy of being.

We, these thinking things
Have purposes to serve
Varied and natural
Like Sharks 
Swimming in oceans for millenia
Successes provide by systems in balance
Unlike Sharks
Able to work against nature
A shark just is.
He goes about his business
We do.
So it seems that our being
Is a product of our doing
And we have a decided advantage/disadvantage
Being able to direct what we do
The Philosophy of Being depends on what you Be
All I can tell you for certain is that sharks, 
who have been here for longer than we,
are not assembling into societies,
spreading like a virus,
gobbling up resources,
producing waste,
Sharks live in a balance because they must
Perhaps if they could somehow make the choice
Things would end a little differently
If there can be any purpose to being
It must be what we can do that matters
The difference is responsibility.
 A shark just is. 
You and I can shape the world.
The philosophy of a human being is doing. 

-Thanks to all my readers over the five years I've been doing this.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What Canadians can learn from Turks.

Last Friday, Turkish police cracked down on protesters who were holding a sit in to stop the government from removing trees from one of the last remaining green spaces in Istanbul, Taksim Square.

Authorities want to cut down 600 trees to make room for apartments, parking, a shopping mall.
You know, the usual.

Turkey is a country on the grow at the moment. It has taken a secular turn where capitalism has become the norm. It has a healthy economy, (for the region,) despite not being interesting to the West, (meaning, there's little oil there.) However, the US is interested in Turkey for geographical reasons. American investors are taking advantage of Turkey's willingness to sell by investing in various projects, some of which are good, like infrastructure, but most are cash grabs, like the building of airports they don't need.

However, Turkey's PM, Erdogen, has been in power for ten years now and seems to have gotten the back of the Turkey's youth. Over the years, it is claimed, his religious conservative views have become more and more invasive. To help understand this claim please read this

Yet this is not what really started this whole "Turkish Spring" idea. In it's simplest form, some students went into a park to stop the cutting down of some trees, then were brutally attacked by the police, acting on behalf of Erdogen and the government. So now their really pissed off and who can blame them?

Thus the protest has gone from "Don't cut down these trees!" to "Erdogen must go!"
The protests are no longer confined to Taksim square but are pocketing up all over the country.
It's difficult to say if Turkey is going to go the way of Egypt, of Syria, of the Occupy movement, or nowhere. 
Everyone waits and watches.

But reduce it to it's lowest common denominators: 1.) The government is selling its resources to the highest bidder, ignoring prudence and logic. 2.) The government is using its conservativism against its own people, who don't agree with it. 

To Canadians, this sounds very familiar. 
Consider this quote from Arzu Cerkezoglu, president of the Confederation of Revolutionary Trade Unions of Turkey (DISK), Erdogan and his government "should start caring about the wishes and demands of the people and the workers."
She accused the government of "starting a war" against the Turkish people.
"They banned the rights we won and deserve. They are selling the rivers, the mountains and have put all [Turkey's] assets on the open market," she said.
Under Erdogan's leadership, Turkey has boosted economic growth and raised its international profile.
But he has been a divisive figure at home..."
Article here

Turks revolt because the leader of the country, a man who has and is currently hijacking the country's resources for the financial gain of corporations, not citizens, continues by force.

We, on the other hand, simply allow it to happen.
Where is our Taksim Square?